Pacific Crest Trail 2013

I first hiked the Pacific Crest Trail over the course of 1994 and 1996, then I hiked the whole thing in one go in 2013. During the latter hike I kept this website updated as I progressed up the trail. I still have about 45 hours of video to edit, but in the meantime there is a lot for you to look at here. Over the course of the 168 days I wrote 138,734 words and put 13,644 photos on this website.

April 17th, 2013 - 12:25pm
September 25th, 2013 - 5:05pm
July 21st, 2013
CaliforniaRidge near White Ridge Spring to Scott Mountain Summit Campground
51.14 km today
2520.95 km total
31.78 mi today
1566.45 mi total
20130925 20130922 20130919 20130916 20130911 20130902 20130901 20130830 20130827 20130824 20130821 20130820 20130814 20130814 20130813 20130811 20130808 20130808 20130807 20130805 20130802 20130802 20130802 20130731 20130731 20130729 20130726 20130722 20130721 20130718 20130714 20130711 20130710 20130708 20130707 20130704 20130701 20130626 20130623 20130622 20130619 20130617 20130614 20130613 20130610 20130604 20130602 20130530 20130526 20130523 20130521 20130517 20130516 20130512 20130511 20130509 20130507 20130502 20130428 20130426 20130424 20130422 20130417 Pacific Crest Trail Map

Long day today, around 32 miles. It was mostly flat though so despite updating this website and taking a longer lunch, I still got some distance in.

Woke up around 5:30am and made breakfast there on the ridge. Had a hard time sleeping since my tent was not set up. The bugs kept annoying me all night. I had to get my tent and stuff my head in it. This got too hot so I grabbed my camera tripod, set it up, and draped the tent over it. I basically made a teepee with my tripod and tent.

Anyways ... 5:30am .... there were flies everywhere at that time! Got on the trail about an hour after that. After a few miles I turned off the trail to go to Porcupine Lake. I thought it might be the lake that is in the next 1996 photo I have to retake. It wasn't, but I did meet a southbound hiker named Eeyore (sp, the cartoon character). He had the same shoes I did.

Going back to my pack I saw I had decent cell service so I updated the blog.

Met another southbounder named Forrest Gump. Nice guy. I told him about the Stand By Me bridge which he seemed excited about. I asked him if he met Anish and he said he missed her. He was in Etna when she went by. He did meet Lint who had hiked with her for a few days. He said there conversation went something like:

Lint: "I hiked with her...but only for about four days"

FG: "Lint....but that is 200 miles!"

He said in about another 16 days or so she should be in Canada. There are another three guys behind her that are trying to break the record also, but they are doing it supported. So on the trail they are just carrying water.

The trail made a giant U shaped traverse around a basin and then heads south (!) for several miles. I planned on taking lunch at the creek. When I got there it was a shallow marsh, oh well, it was water.

The 90 minutes I spent there were well, a good example of why hikers hike rather than "slow down and enjoy the scenery". I was hot and tired, even in the shade. There were flies and bees everywhere. The worst thing was this damn chipmunk above me that WOULD NOT SHUT UP! I had some Bear Creek Macaroni and Hypertension Cheese. I am about out of gas so I'm really hoping Etna has the canisters or there are some 1/2 empty ones in the hiker box. I don't want cold coffee and such every morning.

Just before I left I heard another hiker. It was a guy I hadn't met named Geared Up. It kind of looked like the one guy I (and many others) had been arguing with online but I couldn't tell, nor did I ask. We talked a bit and then I moved on.

It was a really hot afternoon and I went through water like crazy. I stopped after a few hours and Geared Up came up the trail and stopped. He asked if I saw the rattlesnake just off the trail by the last spring, I had not. I asked him how far he was going tonight and he said "Etna". I said, "No... tonight... where are you going?". He said that he was going to do a "triple marathon" (78 miles) and then take a day off in Etna. He said he had 30 in already, but it was 5pm. It is extremely rare for hikers to do more than 50 miles without stopping to sleep.

After another couple of hours I saw him again, with a bunch of his stuff spread out next to the trail and he was reading a book on his phone/tablet. I just said hello and kept walking. Now I'm wondering if he is the guy I had been arguing with online after all. Maybe he is actually hiking right now and will get to Etna sometime tomorrow morning. I hope this is the case.

Me on the other hand, I have about 40 miles or so to go to get to the road to Etna. Really hoping I can meet up with my friends (Hi Thomans!) in a couple weeks. I'll have to keep moving at least 25 miles a day and a few 30 mile days to make it though, time will tell.

Oh, I heard cowbells today for the first time on this hike, and it was in fact some cows playing them in odd time signatures. Arty cows.

July 21st, 2013