Pacific Crest Trail 2013

I first hiked the Pacific Crest Trail over the course of 1994 and 1996, then I hiked the whole thing in one go in 2013. During the latter hike I kept this website updated as I progressed up the trail. I still have about 45 hours of video to edit, but in the meantime there is a lot for you to look at here. Over the course of the 168 days I wrote 138,734 words and put 13,644 photos on this website.

April 17th, 2013 - 12:25pm
September 25th, 2013 - 5:05pm
April 24th, 2013
CaliforniaSaddle above Scissors Crossing to near Warner Springs
36.29 km today
175.66 km total
22.55 mi today
109.15 mi total
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Woke up late this morning... 7:15am! Saw Chief walking the trail above me, I had passed him last night during my night hike.

Hike was pretty uneventful up to the third gate where there is a cache of water. Well, it wasn't entirely uneventful. I was trying to see if I could make it 100 miles without having to do a #2 outside of civilization. I made it 94.5 miles. This is important to bring up because having to go off the trail in a lot of places down here is not exactly easy. Wiry brush, ticks, and who knows what else all rip your flesh apart.

Listening to Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" audiobook is both interesting and frustrating. It brought back forgotten memories of Red Robin days, but it also made me think of new food dishes that I couldn't have on the trail.

While listening to the Replacements "Let it Be" I crossed the 100 mile mark. I arrived at Barrel Spring and saw a few familiar faces. Brett and Erin from Oakland, the two ladies from Scotland, and a guy who hikes in a lot of yellow whom I don't remember his name..though he is the same guy who opened the RV door for me yesterday.

It looked like a fire was burning in the distance and I was concerned that it might close the trail but it turns out it was under control.

I ended up walking another eight miles out to Warner springs. This is about four miles farther than I planned, but I couldn't find a campspot that was out if the wind, flat, not occupied, not covered in cow loop.

I can see what I think is the light for the fire station. I slept next to that place in 1996.

April 24th, 2013