I first hiked the Pacific Crest Trail over the course of 1994 and 1996, then I hiked the whole thing in one go in 2013. During the latter hike I kept this website updated as I progressed up the trail. I still have about 45 hours of video to edit, but in the meantime there is a lot for you to look at here. Over the course of the 168 days I wrote 138,734 words and put 13,644 photos on this website.

Woke up and I made coffee for everyone since I still had a huge pile of Starbucks VIAs. I could tell it was going to be hot already and we constructed a little sun shelter with a tarp and some chairs on picnic tables.
Clay cooked breakfast which took a while on their stove. U-turn sold me a couple fuel canisters since I didn't know if I'd be able to find them in Independence, and I didn't want to deal with hitching up to Bishop to buy them.
Oh, I also learned that U-turn's name is "Marshall", ha ha. Funny how you don't know people's real names out here until a few weeks later.
Isaac and Steph, Birdman's friends, showed up and dropped he and Cowboy off. I finished up my breakfast as they all talked and I said goodbye to everyone.
The road from the campground drops about 6000 feet. We got to Independence and Issac gave me a beer for the road.
I walked from one end of town to the other. Looks like there is a train museum, two gas stations, two restaurants, and three motels. I got a room at the Courthouse Motel. I did however forget to check and see if the wifi worked from the room, it didn't really work that well.
Laundry would take a while to do so I ended up just doing mine in the sink. There is a posh French Restaurant in town, but I opted to go to the Subway at the gas station and eat breakfast down the street tomorrow.
I ended up going to a burrito cart that was now open, got a beer and went back to the motel and annihilated the thing.
Took a few clock photos after the sun went down. Ran into Sexy Legs and then we walked to the Subway. About five other PCT hikers came in after us, it was a bit comical so I too a photo.
Got a beer (and a 1.75 gallon container of Rocky Road ice cream) at the Shell station down the street and walked around checking out the few residential streets. Made my way back to the hotel to work on journal entries and called it a night.